One of the last mothers' events for Grade 1 was a pot luck lunch in my garden. I've had the honour in the last 2 years of organising most of the school's food events and I have come to know a few good cooks in our community. Most of the time we cook for other people to eat - but on this day we would cook and eat the food ourselves.
My bunch of nice mothers turned up with enough to feed us - and others. One woke up early in the morning to bake ham croissants, another baked a cheese pie before she set out to play a round of golf. Others queued up in the supermarket for cold cuts and tigelle, prepared spelt for a salad or emptied the freezer for a hot chilli...We had yummy scones, a gorgeous chocolate cake, fruit salad, vegetable salad, Lebanese Fateh...and I made a Singapore-style Chicken Curry singing at the same time along to an old Sandy Lam cd. I miss karaoke, by the way. Nothing like Chinese love songs to make you feel all unloved and emotional. Never could understand the weird stuff Hub listens to e.g. that screechy Kate Bush and her washing machine song. Why would you want to be reminded of your wash when you could cry over lost love? Anyway I digress as usual.
Lovely day, lovely company, lovely food, lovely conversation(s). We would be missing a few mothers next year (sob sob) and we wish them the best wherever they'll be, and hope that they'll remember us and our gatherings fondly. Bonnes vacances!
3 commentaires:
haha so hubby like kate bush music ah? I must admit her music is not everyone's cup of tea. I remembered when our friend leo introduced her music to me, i was also abit taken aback by her eerie sounding voice. But I have since grown to like some of her hits. Her notable ones are 'Running up that hill' and 'Wuthering Heights'.
What a lovely spread! Is the cake in a heart shape?
YL, goes to show that we can get used to everything :-)
D, yeap it was a heart-shaped cake baked by one of the English moms.
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