Most years I've always bought the biggest Christmas tree I could get my hands on. Talking about the real ones, of course. This year, I made the mistake of asking Hub for his opinion and left it too late to get one of those cut trees you find in the supermarkets. After a full day hunting round Modena and suburbs for it, I started looking in the nurseries and they of course, do not do cut trees. And the potted ones are actually very expensive.
Then the idea hit me that this would be the chance to go ecological and buy myself a real Christmas tree that I could either replant or just use again year after year - provided that it doesn't die under my non-green thumb. So I bought a 1-m tree, a new flower pot, more soil and voilà my sapin de Noël!
The kids' (and Hub's) initial reaction was, "Why is this tree so small?" but when I explained to them about taking care of it and not having to throw it out after Christmas and how it will grow etc, they really warmed up to the idea and the Babies told me after that how much they loved their tree.
This year I've also decided not to hide the presents. Eldest Son's Guitar Hero World Tour Band Bundle is gigantic. Told the kids Santa Claus had gone modern this year, couldn't come down our chimney because he's too fat and has decided to mail me their presents. But of course if they didn't behave, his invisible elves will report on them and he'll ask me to return everything.
2 commentaires:
Oh Serene, I am absolutely outrage by what you wrote on your previous post. You deserve a good spanking with one of your bamboo whip ... yep on your @rse!
What kind of Mum you are? Your poor son will finsih in psycho-analysis and taking psychotropes by age 16, if you carry on.
Give him some slack. He is just a boy. You should know by now that the male population needs "special care".
For people reading this blog, and not knowing eldest son personnally, he is a lovely, well-educated boy, who ALWAYS salutes me and speaks to me in perfect French.
How he can cope with his demanding hormonally-challenged mother is beyong my understanding!
Your tree is lovely. We also bought a "REAL" one the first time in our family from the Vivaio Marchetti, Sara is a good friend, next year, if you are still around, I 'll take you there.
Wish you a happy, peaceful Christmas.
Muriel - ouch ouch and ouch! LOL
Glad that boy has a fan somewhere, it's true that with a mother like me, he has a very hard life poor boy.
As for my tree, I really hope that it'll survive, OK. But what is the Vivaio Marchetti? Is it a shop?
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