A Singapore girl now living in Shanghai after more than a decade in Western Europe. This blog records some of my recipes (mainly fusion), thoughts and life.
mardi, décembre 18, 2007
Away to Stuff My Face in Singapore

vendredi, décembre 14, 2007
5th Birthday Party
The "Tree House"
From the inside
The little door leads to the loft
At the movies
mercredi, décembre 12, 2007
Grilled Chicken and Aceto Balsamico di Modena
One thing I really like about Modena is its Balsamic Vinegar. Most people elsewhere probably wouldn't know that like wine, this vinegar comes in all ages, taste and texture. They use it here to dip cheese in, cook with risotto, serve grilled meats with, toss salads in, dribble over ice cream...In my farmhouse, I even have a little loft where they used to make the famous vinegar in.
mardi, décembre 11, 2007
False alert - and please accept my apologies
I am no Christian but started to pray for peace of mind as you know.
I was depressed, angry, hopeless, sad...
And serves me right for forgetting what I usually always do - verify information before starting to believe.
Though please understand that usually pictures do not lie and when it comes to topics like Islamic law, Iran, abused children one may be tempted to jump quickly and cry foul...
I couldn't find peace of mind. I couldn't understand how anybody could do this to children. I wanted to contact Amnesty International and so on.
Then suddenly I remembered that I have not verified this info. And my good friend who sent it to me is a - Jew. Ahem.
Also that once a taxi at Bangkok airport ran its front wheel over my foot while I was trying to board it and it didn't hurt. And my foot is not fleshy like the rest of me.
And I've told G who had lived 5 years in Iran about it and she said that she was surprised as she had never witnessed or heard of any such thing while she was there.
The pictures were true. Only the captions were not.
Apparently it involved a street stunt.
And there was a last picture (that I found elsewhere on the Net) showing the boy safe and sound at the end.
I am so relieved I want to cry. It doesn't matter if I look like a fool. He's OK!
And may this serve as a lesson to me, fancy a girl with 2 Post-Grad degrees in Political Science not verifying her sources before publishing them. Shame on me.
Please accept my sincere apologies.
Having said that, there is nonetheless truly lots of injustice, suffering and exploitation of children around the world - whether in labour, war, famine, poverty or in simple ignorance. I will keep them in my thoughts and will cherish my children all the more for that. I've been having difficult moments with Eldest Son as some of you may know and after yesterday I realised how childhood is short and fragile and that I should really try to be less hard on him.
Please excuse me again.
Please Spare the Children

It's 4:30 in the morning. Hub has left the house more than an hour ago to join his
lundi, décembre 10, 2007
Natale Bimbi
Festa della Vittoria
Eldest Son was really excited though as we were seated quite close to the Pilots (Schumacher, Kimi and Massa), Todt and Michelle Yeoh were also there. I was just a little troubled over the fact that we didn't have any real food in the little buffet and didn't even see them walk past me to their seats...
The concert was very good though I couldn't understand 10% of whatever's happening. Rosario Tindaro Fiorello (radio DJ, actor, imitator and singer) was the main star and he was absolutely hilarious (from what I could gather). They loved him. And Laura Pausini, one of the better-known Italian singers outside Italy (won a Grammy last year), made a star appearance. Hub was wondering why the new F1 boss (whose wife I sat next to at the F1 garden party last summer) negotiated her appearance fee himself (when normally it's Hub's Dept's job) but we were given to understand during the concert that those 2 are friends, Pausini having grown up in the Emilia-Romagna region. Okay...
jeudi, décembre 06, 2007
Tag - You're It!
1. You hung out with? The kids
3. Went to the movies with you? The Hub, kids and MIL. We watched Ratatouille in France. Easy to remember as we rarely go to the cinemas nowadays since we hardly understand movies in German or Italian.
4. You went to the mall with? The Babies - HUGE mistake
5. You went to dinner with? The kids
6. You talked on the phone to? Hubby
7. Said ‘I love you’ to you and really meant it? Baby Boy
8. Made you laugh? Eldest Son. We saw some creature running across the driveway in the dark and it had something shiny on it. Eldest Son said that maybe it was La Souris (The Mouse or Tooth Fairy for the English) running off to collect more teeth in the neighbourhood (he just lost another tooth)
WO U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R?
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? If I no longer need glasses, I may replace them with a diamond on the nose
2. Be serious or be funny? I would prefer to be funny and be able to be funny even when I'm being serious
3. Drink whole or skim milk? Whole
4. Spend time with your parents or enemies? Parents
D O . Y O U . P R E F E R.
1. Flowers or candy? Candy
2. Gray or black? Black
3. Color or Black and white photos? Black & White
4. Lust or love? Can I not have both?
5. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise. When it turns dark I usually feel bad
6. M and Ms or Skittles? Skittles
1. Sun or moon? Sun, as that was what came to the mind, but really I should prefer the moon...
2. Winter or Fall? I start getting the blues from the beginning of Fall thru Winter. Do you think I would prefer Winter or Fall?
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? Two best friends, stupid question
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Chocolate
A B O U T . Y O U
1. What time is it? 00:43
3. What is your birth date? 30 October
4. What do you want? Good health, no wrinkles, more orgasms, more wealth and less cellulite
5. Where do you want to live? Wherever has good weather and especially lots of good food and shopping
6. How many kids do you want? None. But I have 3 and am much blessed
7. You want to get married? Already am, but depending on who I next meet, it could happen again :-)
1. Nervous habit? Nagging/preaching
2. Are you double jointed? What's that?
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? Think so
5. Can you cross your eyes? Nope. I've one lazy eye so they have a tendancy to wander apart not cross
6. Do you make your bed daily? Almost never. What's the point? It'll be messy again in a few hours
1. Which shoe goes on first? Right
2. Ever thrown a shoe at someone? Don't think so, though have been using it lots lately to squash spiders and other insects
3. What is your craziest experience ever? Would have wanted it to be a Gang Bang but have missed the boat and now nothing seems crazy...
1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl
2. Have you ever eaten spam? Yes
3. Favourite ice cream? Yam ice cream my neighbour used to bring back from the Philippines before her Filipino daughter-in-law died of bronchitis at the age of 35
5. What’s your favourite beverage? Water
6. Do you cook? Yes
IN . T H E . L A S T . M O N T H . H A V E . Y O U
1. Bought something? Did I breathe?
2. Sang? I sing beautifully if I may say so - the mites in the car's carpet can attest to that
3. Been hugged? Yes
4. Felt stupid? Yeah, like now. Should have gone to bed instead
5. Missed someone? My maternal grandfather
6. Danced crazy? Never. Don't know how to dance at all
7. Gotten your hair cut? No. Usually only have my hair cut when I return to Singapore
8. Cried? Yes
9. Lied? Sure. But nothing that should get me to hell for. Usually stuff like, "Where's my Nintendo DS?" "Have no idea" "Did you buy another dress?" "No, got that ages ago"
mercredi, décembre 05, 2007
Fondant au Chocolat
At the Christmas Fair, the most popular dessert was of course French - Fondant au Chocolat. French classic and very easy to boot. E, a mother from France made it, which reminded me that I used to do so quite alot myself but have stopped doing so about 2 years ago and do not even know why. Maybe 'coz it's too rich?

- A movie that made you laugh - Drunken Master (Jackie Chan)
- A book that made you cry - The Bond Maid (Catherine Lim)
- A favorite childhood memory - Going to the cinema with my maternal grandfather and him spreading out his newspaper so that I could sit on it on the floor (we only bought 1 ticket, you see)
- A Best Friend - My brain
- Your favorite animal - My vintage crocodile skin bag
- Your favorite food - I'm such a glutton this is difficult. But how about Fish Balls? Simply because I can never tire of them.
- An item of clothing you cannot do without - Honestly I would prefer simply to do without. But if I had to, then let it be my push-up bra.
- Something you collect - dust
- Your favorite store to shop in - Polo Ralph Lauren in Metzingen (but that's history now)
- Your favorite flower - Orchid
- Pris
- Hornbill
- Bibou's Mom
mardi, décembre 04, 2007
I got a Prezzie for X'mas!
I was having Italian class on Monday morning when the doorbell rang. A parcel for me? Didn't buy anything on the Net lately...
Toasts and Puffs
Then I saw the half a can of sweetened condensed milk in the fridge and French Toasts came to mind. My favourite recipe being the one we learnt in Home Economics class at the age of 15. Just said milk with eggs, salt, pepper and some ground cinnamon. And I like to lightly toast my bread before dipping it in the egg mixture and frying it in some butter. On a grill like for steak.
lundi, décembre 03, 2007
Happy Birthday Baby Girl
Gift Hunting Season

To tell the truth, since we are not practicising any religion, Christmas is not something that we really celebrate. Though we do normally decorate a Christmas tree for the sake of the kids and give them presents (any excuse to do so is always welcome). And I also send out ONE Christmas card each year - to my former French teacher Monsieur Baillon, without whom I may not have gone to France in the first place etc etc.
samedi, décembre 01, 2007
Christmas Fair 2007
Programme of Events
Part of the spread
- always greet your clients
- tell them how it works
- do not forget to propose dessert and other promotions (i.e. recipe booklet in our case)
- answer questions about food and ingredients with a knowledgeable air
- return change with a smile
- hope that they enjoy their meal
Cover of my recipe booklet
I didn't get to eat till when it was almost all over. All my curries and samossas were sold out within the first 20 minutes (yeap, first to go) and I had to promise a few disappointed people to cook them some another time.
R's Krispies Cookies
It was quite educational day as I discovered a pretty nice Swedish dish known as Jansson's Temptation (with potatoes and anchovies) and I saw what Krebinetter (a Danish dish) looked like.
Dessert Spread
I missed the auction but apparently there were a number of rather interesting things for the hammer e.g. a week in a villa in Cyprus, Ferrari goodies, decorated X'mas tree, toys, vegetable hamper, 1-hour massage, my cooking class (went to an English mother whose husband liked my hot lentil curry)...
Paintings for Sale
Baby Boy bought himself a few jars of sweets, an old pirate ship (from the 2nd hand toy stand) and the Hub bought up all of the kids' paintings at 5 euros each. Eldest Son's was really quite lousy and as the Vice Principal's also the Art Teacher, I tried to take her to task for it but she claimed that she wasn't the one who got the kids to do it...Got a set of kids' sofas from the 2nd hand toy shop with the idea of using them to decorate the extra room for Baby Girl's Bday party and Eldest Son for once only spent a 10th of what we gave him as he wanted to save the rest for his piggy bank. As he's losing more of his milk teeth lately, he's obsessed with money and could spend hours counting the coins in his pig.
The Stage
Well, now I can get on with my life. There are still loads to do before we leave for Singapore and I'm not sure I'll be able to deal with everything in time.
mercredi, novembre 28, 2007
Red Lentils and Potato Coriander Curry
Spent the whole morning in a meeting with the PTA to finalise a few things for the fair and it was held in the school library. My first time in it and I was really happy to find a Wodehouse book (The Heart of a Goof) waiting for me on the table and best of all, parents could also borrow books from the library! I would certainly be visiting the school more often during school hours, in fact maybe I'd volunteer to do some library duty next year...
mardi, novembre 27, 2007
Another (Lousy) Presentation
I am but hyper super busy this week. The Christmas Fair is in a few days and I am in charge of the International Buffet as some may know. Yes, I've complained about the perpetual fun-raising in the school, but then I've also learnt to look at things in another light.
The first presentation was made by C, the Baudelin's eldest. She prepared her presentation all by herself and must have practised lots of times before the mirror, never looking at any notes during her presentation. Even though she's not a native English speaker, she made herself easily understood and was logical and concise. Needless to say, she had a very good chart with nice pictures etc. She even prepared a quiz for the class at the end of it.
M (R's eldest) did one on bears and R prepared a snack (on what bears eat) for everyone e.g. berries, honey...
F1 Medical Check-Up for Juniors
Found out that Baby Girl is a little flat-footed on the right foot (her dad's flat-footed) and that when it came to weight, she's at the top 90% of the population for her age. Her appetite's too good, you see. Eldest Son may need braces for his teeth. Also obtained confirmation that his reaction is slow. He was supposed to run the minute he hears a beep and of course he somehow never did shoot off in good time. Fanying chidun.