jeudi, décembre 06, 2007

Tag - You're It!

I've had a difficult few days. The electricity company said that electricity would be cut for 10 minutes and it lasted 4 hours. I was stuck at home, couldn't open the gate; One of the kids broke another DVD (2nd in a few months) and it was this thing with hammering it to pieces that is a bit painful. The first time it was Baby Girl (the cartoon Valiant) and she got the caning of her life from me for that simply because I caught her at it and my short temper is a force to be reckoned with. The last time it was Baby Boy (Monster Inc.) and he was lucky that I found that out after they've all gone to bed and had the night to let the anger dissipate. His breaking into tears when I told him that Santa wouldn't give him any toy for that was enough to make me soften and decide not to punish him. Big eyes and big tears = potent combination.

Then the list of things to deal with that I'm confronted with is disheartening. I do not know where to start from. I've been spending a few days trying to clear out this little spider-infested loft at the top of my house and transform it into a "tree house" for Baby Girl's Bday party, as it may be too cold for her guests to play outside and I want to minimise damage to the inside of the house. I've got this little bouncy castle that I wanted to blow up and keep indoors but of course I couldn't find any electric pump to buy in Modena. I have moved all my boxes from the spare room to the guest room and we're going to screen a movie in there (on the wall) but of course I've yet to buy the movie (Arthur and the Invisibles).

I still have the German Tax returns to handle (the part to deal with before you pass the baton to the Tax Specialist to actually file them for you), the trip to Desaru to plan, presents to buy for Singapore, the packing to do, tonnes of washing to do, hang out, take in and fold, forms for the school to fill out, the one Christmas card to send to my French teacher (sorry all the others, I have no energy to write cards or send presents this year and especially do not want to have to go to the lousy post office here), I need to find money to pay for the unrented flat in Paris and all the works going on in the building etc, continue to shop for food, cook, chauffer the kids to school, ECAs, Bday parties...arrgh I'm so slow and inefficient and incapable of dealing with everything at the same time!

So I'm blogging now to let out steam. Coz unlike the Dutchess, the Hub seems quite immune to my whinging while some friends do read the blog :-). And that Hub in question has disappeared most nights this week anyway. Ferrari has dinners almost every evening this week for different groups of its employees and as a member of the Board Hub has to attend almost every one of them. So much for his diet.

The Dutchess tagged me for the following and I guess I'd better do it or she'll think that I'm rejecting her love :

W H O . W A S . T H E. L A S T . P E R S O N

1. You hung out with? The kids
2. Saw you cry? My Eldest. I was blogging about something sad I think
3. Went to the movies with you? The Hub, kids and MIL. We watched Ratatouille in France. Easy to remember as we rarely go to the cinemas nowadays since we hardly understand movies in German or Italian.
4. You went to the mall with? The Babies - HUGE mistake
5. You went to dinner with? The kids
6. You talked on the phone to? Hubby
7. Said ‘I love you’ to you and really meant it? Baby Boy
8. Made you laugh? Eldest Son. We saw some creature running across the driveway in the dark and it had something shiny on it. Eldest Son said that maybe it was La Souris (The Mouse or Tooth Fairy for the English) running off to collect more teeth in the neighbourhood (he just lost another tooth)

WO U L D . Y O U . R A T H E R?

1. Pierce your nose or tongue? If I no longer need glasses, I may replace them with a diamond on the nose
2. Be serious or be funny? I would prefer to be funny and be able to be funny even when I'm being serious
3. Drink whole or skim milk? Whole
4. Spend time with your parents or enemies? Parents

D O . Y O U . P R E F E R.

1. Flowers or candy? Candy
2. Gray or black? Black
3. Color or Black and white photos? Black & White
4. Lust or love? Can I not have both?
5. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise. When it turns dark I usually feel bad
6. M and Ms or Skittles? Skittles
7. Staying up late or waking up early? Staying up late if it's because I'm blogging (like now) or reading

D O . Y O U . P R E F E R.

1. Sun or moon? Sun, as that was what came to the mind, but really I should prefer the moon...
2. Winter or Fall? I start getting the blues from the beginning of Fall thru Winter. Do you think I would prefer Winter or Fall?
3. Left or right? Right
4. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends? Two best friends, stupid question
5. Sunny or rainy? Sunny. Hate getting wet.
6. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Chocolate

A B O U T . Y O U

1. What time is it? 00:43
2. Nickname(s)? Ah Pui (Fatty), Grosse Vache (Fat Cow)
3. What is your birth date? 30 October
4. What do you want? Good health, no wrinkles, more orgasms, more wealth and less cellulite
5. Where do you want to live? Wherever has good weather and especially lots of good food and shopping
6. How many kids do you want? None. But I have 3 and am much blessed
7. You want to get married? Already am, but depending on who I next meet, it could happen again :-)


1. Nervous habit? Nagging/preaching
2. Are you double jointed? What's that?
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow? Think so
5. Can you cross your eyes? Nope. I've one lazy eye so they have a tendancy to wander apart not cross
6. Do you make your bed daily? Almost never. What's the point? It'll be messy again in a few hours
7. Can you draw? Depends on what you mean by drawing (grin)


1. Which shoe goes on first? Right
2. Ever thrown a shoe at someone? Don't think so, though have been using it lots lately to squash spiders and other insects
3. What is your craziest experience ever? Would have wanted it to be a Gang Bang but have missed the boat and now nothing seems crazy...


1. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl
2. Have you ever eaten spam? Yes
3. Favourite ice cream? Yam ice cream my neighbour used to bring back from the Philippines before her Filipino daughter-in-law died of bronchitis at the age of 35
4. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? Two
5. What’s your favourite beverage? Water
6. Do you cook? Yes

IN . T H E . L A S T . M O N T H . H A V E . Y O U

1. Bought something? Did I breathe?
2. Sang? I sing beautifully if I may say so - the mites in the car's carpet can attest to that
3. Been hugged? Yes
4. Felt stupid? Yeah, like now. Should have gone to bed instead
5. Missed someone? My maternal grandfather
6. Danced crazy? Never. Don't know how to dance at all
7. Gotten your hair cut? No. Usually only have my hair cut when I return to Singapore
8. Cried? Yes
9. Lied? Sure. But nothing that should get me to hell for. Usually stuff like, "Where's my Nintendo DS?" "Have no idea" "Did you buy another dress?" "No, got that ages ago"

Whew! Finished it at last. I'd like to pass the torture love to a few people who may not have (public) blogs : Tag- You're it!

1. Bella Tigre
2. Frau LOKE
3. Margarita
4. Angela of Padova
5. Pris (again)

5 commentaires:

SIG a dit…

You love that yam ice-cream too??? My uncle gets them all the time when friends come from there. It is really the best ube ice-cream isn't it?? :)

Anonyme a dit…

Hi, I'm not sure if the "Frau LOKE" is meant to be me... I'm not very familiar with this Blogging thing, so I actually don't even know how to go about it. If I'm the person you've tagged(?), thanks for remembering me and do let me know what I should do, without making a fool of myself :-)

Dutchess a dit…

S, you finally did the meme. It was a long one eh? LOL.

I am thankful for my husband. I can whinge or bitch uncensored and he'll listen without judging or offering a solution. I particularly appreciate the latter, because most times, I only want to vent, I already know how to solve my problem.

Btws, I can't imagine Sonny-boy breaking any of his DVDs. I tell you, fire and brimstone will rain down upon him if he does that.

Unknown a dit…

It is tough to be without your power! In Jan I was off the grid for 15 days!! And we are in a storm right now which is threatening my power now. It is a challenge to entertain kids by candlelight.

teeth bleaching

Beau Lotus 涟 a dit…

D, heard from my mom that the neighbour got us some of that ice-cream on his recent trip to Philippines to visit his late wife's family...

Yes, Frau Loke, es ist dich!

J, I agree with you about just needing to let off steam solutions normally we would be capable of finding ourselves :-).

Tracy, indeed we are so lost without electricity, amazing how nothing works without it!