jeudi, septembre 22, 2011

Mooncake Experiment 中秋月饼


MIL arrived just before this year's Moon Cake Festival so I hadn't been able to experiment with making my own moon cakes the way I had wanted to. Managed only one session and the results were so-so, purple sweet potato paste not being as soft as red bean or lotus seed paste therefore producing pretty but relatively hard fillings.

Pandan snow skin moon cake with purple sweet potato and salted duck egg yolk filling

The pandan paste I bought from the Fairprice supermarket in Singapore also had a chemical taste - so the next time I'll try to use natural pandan juice instead.

Other than that, as they say, failure is the mother of success. So I can only hope that this batch of moon cakes would serve as a step towards future success in moon cake making.

But the tea was great. Found this small shop in Tianzifang in Puxi that sells really good tea leaves. Expensive, but oh so very good. Now I find it difficult drinking mediocre jasmin, tieguanyin or puer tea. One should never get too used to good things, it makes one's life more complicated after that.

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