At this time of the year when we're much infested by our flying friends, one is bound to be pricked, stung or whinged at some point in the day. I for one experienced all of the above with the additional pain of being possessed - by the Shopping Bug.

So if I looked kind of distant and distracted lately, please do excuse me. I've been spending all waking and sleeping moments thinking and living shopping and repose can only arrive when the credit card has been zapped to its limit as would the Hub's tolerance for this viral madness.

Burberry Pink Candy Mini Bag
And true madness it was as most of the objects of my obsession are thoroughly unsuited to my daily life and would probably never see the day once they enter my closet - to spend the rest of their days with the moth balls. Fitting end for the Buy Buy Bug?

Just Cavalli Sunglasses
No more shopping for the rest of the year. Pity since the Summer Sales would be coming up soon, no?
9 commentaires:
Internet shopping - a very dangerous & costly sport. A few clicks can cause a lot of harm & damage.
Tell me about it, man. I haven't received all of the stuff yet (most arriving this week) but I'm already feeling very remorseful about it. Especially when I know that I wouldn't be wearing them...I only wear slippers why did I buy 10-cm heels, right? Should have kept the money for another diamond. Boo hoo hoo...
Woohoo! That was a big spree! We have great Singapore sale you know??? ;) More shopping when you come home. Hehe!
Hey S.! So that´s where you disappeared to! Was wondering what happened to your regular posts! The buys look gorgeous though! Well, if you ever do what to get more storage space, can try re-selling yr buys? Hahha... I wouldn´t mind being a second-hand buyer from you! hahah...since we have similar shoe sizes too!
I always admired women who can wear heels. I can only wear my flats and crocs LOL Love the glasses.
Me too I admire women who wear heels which was why I bought them so that I can admire them LOL.
Otherwise I sadly only wear flats. My current favourite is the red pair of Crocs Alice that I bought in Singapore in Jan. I've every intention of buying a black pair this July.
Pris, I'm going to return the McQueen bag and sandals because I've got my eye on something else and need the cash. The Burberry bag is cute but so tiny I'll have to give it to Baby Girl. Internet shopping's a disaster but better than no shopping. D, I certainly hope to do some shopping in Singapore! Hope the sale will be waiting for me...
So THAT's where you've been!
You can always pass me those heels, especially the Jimmy Choos and Feragammo ones - that should help you ease the remorsefulness abit. :P
Heels are easy - just practice, cross your fingers and make sure you have medical insurance!
Must say the Ferragamo and Jimmy Choo shoes are quite comfy though I've not taken more than 10 steps in them. Am keeping them for "one day"...Cost the earth though (could have bought 5 pairs of Hugo Boss instead!!!), have never paid so much for shoes in my life, but there's always a 1st time, of course.
Welcome to the club of ridiculously priced but oh so worth it shoes! You must show them to me if we get to visit you and your family again. Let me ooh and ahh at them for a while.
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