KB asked me last week if I would be able to come to lunch today and I had to reply negative since there was normally a Grade 1 lunch. Then because of today's Water Aid Fundraising Picnic at school, MD had to postpone her lunch to next week. I didn't have my kids join in the picnic as I felt that it's a bit of a waste to have paid for the canteen (even if the food sucks) and then pay again for another lunch - even if it's for charity. Told them that if at least half the school should join the picnic, they'd have more food to eat at the canteen.
Anyway, since I haven't seen her for a while (and have missed her), I decided that I should just ask if she still had a place for me at the table. Everyone knows that I'm a glutton, but really, I am capable of nobler intentions. I also want to buy more blue crabs from the Chinese store near her flat.
Turns out that a few of the people she had invited and who had said they would come cancelled at the last minute i.e. on the day itself. I can never understand how anybody can do this. So little consideration for the hostess who would have spent time and effort organising and preparing her meal.
But it was a lovely meal nonetheless. We were 3 and I met for the first time this really pretty Lithuanian lady whom I've heard about but whom I've never met. She has taught yoga to a number of mothers in the school in the past and is currently teaching it to 2 of the teachers. We had a great time, in fact I love smaller more intimate settings like this as we could share and exchange so much more. I almost forgot the time and it was a pity that I had to leave when I had to.
KB cooked us a delicious vegetarian lunch. A lentil curry, a coconut-based vegetable curry and a tofu and pea curry. With rice and....wholewheat parathas!
I love parathas, but have been blocked by visions of my paratha seller in Singapore soaking his dough in ghee and twirling/flipping it into impossibly large and thin rounds. But wholewheat parathas do not require any flipping and are suddenly much more manageable...I will have to apply myself to making them soon.
Hub ordered his new Fiat 500 yesterday. Another year has passed! He's now into his 4th car in Italy. 2 Alfa Romeo 159s to start and now his 2nd Fiat 500. This time he has decided to go for a red car with chromed side mirrors, sunroof and Poltrona Frau leather seats. If anyone's interested in buying over his current white Fiat 500, it may still not be too late. Only 1 year-old and about 2000Km in it. Otherwise we'll sell it back to the company.
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