dimanche, octobre 03, 2010

Baked Lemon Soy Chicken Wings

Baked Lemon Soy Chicken Wings

Most Tuesdays, the Teenager sees a Feuerstein therapist after school and I usually have an hour to kill somewhere in Spezzano. Just enough time for a spot of grocery shopping in a nearby supermarket. Only problem is that one has to bring along the Babies - a sure way to increase your budget substantially.

"Mummy, can I (please) have this?" rings out like a spoilt record every few minutes and if you were not vigilant enough you may find, as you check out, things that you do not remember having put into your basket.

The last time, Babinou asked if we couldn't have chicken wings please, mummy? I am quite careful nowadays about the meat I buy, so I usually only buy from certain supermarkets and butchers and this supermarket isn't one of them. But chicken wings somehow are acceptable even if they were not free-range so I bought 2 dozens of them and prepared Baked Lemon Soy Chicken Wings for my kids.

Nothing special about them. Had leftover Lemon sauce from another meal and just combined it with light and dark soy sauce and a bit of dry sherry to make a marinade for the wings.

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