jeudi, février 26, 2009


Red Dirndel with Blue Apron

The Dutchess called me from Beijing asking if I could show her pictures of my Dirndels. I forgot to ask her how she knew. Did I mention it before? Or did she see that on Facebook? Anyway, I would draw the line at posting pictures of me in them, but there should be no harm in showing you just the dresses themselves. In return, I get to see all your most exciting shopping finds - deal?

No, it is not true that I wear them with my pink Prada heels for the Hub. As far as I know he doesn't have anything for German barmaids. I was at AB's house the other day and saw a beautiful picture of her in a Dirndel. That reminded me of how I frustrated I had felt 2 years ago when I left Stuttgart without one.

I like buying traditional costumes. I have a Sari, a Punjabi suit, a Baju Kurong (looking for a Kebaya), a few Cheongsums...When I get bored with my jeans and T-shirt, I sometimes put on one of those costumes. So why not a Dirndel?

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