I was at Esselunga the other day and (for once) saw a pretty decent rack of lamb carré. The Hub would complain that I'm not cooking healthy (ever since he has become health conscious) lately, but you know, I go with my taste buds, not always my cholesterol.
And my friend Priscilla and her recent curry puff experiment gave me quite a bit of desire to eat one too, especially when I've just spent all morning hunting for (good) Indian restaurants and grocery stores in the whole of Emilia Romagna on the Net - and not meeting with much success.
So I've decided to do a spot of fusion cooking and serve my Lamb Carré with some Samossas (curried potatoes, carrots, peas, onion, garlic, whole seeds like cumin, fennel etc, coconut milk, hard-boiled egg, coriander leaves...) and grilled Red Peppers.
Meanwhile, after the Ladies' Night last evening I've been back to questioning myself about what I would like to do in the next few years. It has been quite a number of years since I've had my 2 Post-Grad degrees in International Relations, and I am pretty sure now that I wouldn't want to finish my PhD (though only just 3 years more to go, quite a pity). I am not made for acadaemia, not organised and disciplined enough though I've always done well at school.
However, when I studied Political Science those many years ago, I did have a few objectives namely to give myself the possibility of living and travelling all over the world, learning new languages, meeting lots of men of different nationalities (ahem), tasting different cuisines and working in an International Organisation or why not an NGO ?
I didn't get to exercise my métier since I got married pretty quickly after I've had my degrees, but funny enough I did get to fulfill quite a number of those objectives: I've travelled quite a bit, lived in different countries, I speak French, Spanish, German, Chinese, of course English and am now learning Italian. I've to give up the part about the men (sigh), and I am now left with the question, "Will I get to work (e.g. in an International Organisation)?"
Hmm, I prepared for a driver's license even though I wouldn't normally get to drive if I had remained in Singapore. Yes, I think I'm quite prévoyante. I have a little tendre for the just-in-case.
As such, I'm wondering if I shouldn't go ahead and do another Post-Grad, in something coherent with what I've already done and yet is very much different? Like an MSc in Development Management (if anyone knows about this course and has any advice to share, do shoot). Maybe next year once I'm done with learning Italian and have managed to delegate the housework to some other soul.
Of course I would also like to learn how to play the flute, make La Durée-style pâtisseries, train my son and make him 1st in class, teach the kids Chinese so that they wouldn't miss the China-era, lose weight and tone the bod, become a sex goddess...
While waiting for all that to happen, I'm going to wash the clothes and the dishes and iron the mountain of shirts as unfortunately they do not look like they could wait another year.
4 commentaires:
I am so in awe of you. You seem to create all this restaurant-looking food on a daily basis. ;) And smart woman too, and capable. :)
You are a lady of many talents!
Woman, you are making the rest of us look very bad. LOL.
D, in awe is a big word leh. Restaurant-looking is more in the Dutchess' league than mine unfortunately. But thanks for the compliments, you're so sweet - like all the cute everything you make for your Princess on a daily basis :-).
V and J, paiseh paiseh...
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